Akij Building Solutions


Akij Cement has gained the trust and confidence of the Individual Home Builders for its uncompromising quality. ACCL
produces both OPC, PCC & PCC for its customers.

Akij Composite Cement (CEM II/B-M)

Akij Type- II B or Akij Portland Composite Cement known as Akij PCC continues to gain strength due to its Iron slag even after 91 Days. It's C-S-H gel coats the bar to protect against corrosion, reduce permeability & void ratio to make Durable concrete or Dura-crete, enhance the life cycle of the structures. With added Limestone smooth plastering makes the structures Fair-Facing.

Akij Composite Cement (CEM II/A-M)

Akij Type- II B or Akij Portland Composite Cement known as Akij PCC continues to gain strength due to its Iron slag even after 91 Days. It's C-S-H gel coats the bar to protect against corrosion, reduce permeability & void ratio to make Durable concrete or Dura-crete, enhance the life cycle of the structures. With added Limestone smooth plastering makes the structures Fair-Facing.

Akij Portland (CEN-I)

Akij Type- II B or Akij Portland Composite Cement known as Akij PCC continues to gain strength due to its Iron slag even after 91 Days. It's C-S-H gel coats the bar to protect against corrosion, reduce permeability & void ratio to make Durable concrete or Dura-crete, enhance the life cycle of the structures. With added Limestone smooth plastering makes the structures Fair-Facing.